Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz

Stadtarbeit – City Work


Where do the bricks come from?

Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz


“Are you frightened of Favoriten?” Questions like this adorned the 600 bricks produced as part of the project by festival visitors on the “industrial complex” of the GB*10. The project by Pia Plankensteiner, Sebastian Scholz and Jürgen Steineder showed in an extraordinarily charming way, how historical backgrounds can be brought to life on site. It furthermore dealt intensively with the cultural and socio-historical heritage of Favoriten. In hands-on workshops people made connections between history and the current age and sought parallels to the present. People could also investigate and ask questions in guided theme tours, also during the lively and well-attended talk. A magical mystery tour through the district, its history, and identity, which was also honored with a special prize of the MehrWert Design Award.